Sandor Dargo's Blog

C++23: flat_map, flat_set, et al.

C++23 is introducing some more data structures, some more associative containers. We are going to get the flat versions of map/set/multimap/multiset: flat_map flat_set flat_multimap flat_...

5 tips to find your next job

A few months ago, I decided that it was time for me to look for a new job. I must tell you, it’s a very competitive and requiring process. I’ve already written about it here and here focusing on di...

C++23: The stacktrace library

So far, there was no way in C++ to get runtime information on the current call sequence. Other popular programming languages such as Java, C# or Python provide this possibility. Thanks to P0881R7 a...

Don't feel bad because of failed interviews, just keep learning!

I was thinking about switching jobs since about the beginning of the year. But as we had our dream vacation planned for 3 weeks in April, I didn’t really want to look for a new job before coming ba...

C++23: Preprocessing directives

The ISO Committee accepted two proposals for C++23 related to preprocessing directives. P2334R1 is about introducing #elifdef and #elifndef and P2437R1 is introducing #warning. What is a preproces...

Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman

Would I recommend Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman? It’s a very interesting book on how our thinking works and it can open up your mind about your own behaviour. But I mind you, only star...

Should you really memorize algorithm complexities?

A few years ago I read one of Yegor Bugayenko’s articles about his feelings about applying to a BigTech company. He wrote something like he would never be accepted and could never pass such intervi...

The Template Method Pattern and the Non-Virtual Idiom

The above title is also one of the chapter titles from Hands-On Design Patterns with C++ by Fedor Pikus. I liked the idea so much that I quickly started to use it and I wanted to share some more de...

3 ways to stay motivated when you are leaving your job

We all leave our employer one day. In certain countries, like the US, you can get away with a 2-week-long notice period. It’s so short that it’s not even worth talking about it. On the other hand, ...

The copy and swap idiom in C++

Last year, as the usage of our services grew sometimes by 20 times, we had to spend significant efforts on optimizing our application. Although these are C++-backed services, our focus was not on o...