Sandor Dargo's Blog

Do you use a debugger?

You might laugh at this question because your answer is of course, who wouldn’t! Especially in the world of C++. Equally, you might laugh at this question, because your answer is obviously no! You ...

C++26: erroneous behaviour

If you pick a random talk at a C++ conference these days, there is a fair chance that the speaker will mention safety at least a couple of times. It’s probably fine like that. The committee and the...

C++26: attributes in structured bindings

We recently talked about C++26’s unnamed placeholder and how useful it will be with structured bindings. Before unnamed placeholders, one of our problems was that in structured bindings we could no...

C++26: pack indexing

C++11 introduced parameter packs to provide a safer way to pass an undefined number of parameters to functions instead of relying on variadic functions. While packs are a useful feature, and since...

Start learning a new language

I started to learn a new language, and you probably should too. I read some of my goals from previous years. At one point, I planned to become familiar with 2 programming languages per year. Maybe...

C++26: a placeholder with no name

Let’s continue exploring C++26. In this post, we are going to discuss a core language feature proposed by Corentin Jabot and Micheal Park in P2169R4. With the new standard we get a cool unnamed pla...

C++26: user-generated static_assert messages

Our first quest into the world of C++26 was about =delete with an optional error message, which improves the readability of the source code and potentially the error messages. In this next part of ...

2024: ready for the next year!

It’s the end of the year. As I’ve done over the past years, I’m sharing a rather personal post about how my year went, whether I achieved my goals, and what I plan for the next year. A year ago, I...

C++26: Delete with a reason

Let’s start exploring C++26 with a simple but useful change. Thanks to Yihe Li’s proposal (2573R2), when we =delete a special member function or a function overload, we can specify a reason. This ...

Let's start exploring C++26

During the last 2 years, we spent a lot of time exploring C++23 resulting in almost 40 blog posts. I’m not saying that we covered every single new language or library feature, but we covered most o...