Sandor Dargo's Blog

Price's law and 3 things to do if you're underpaid

Are you irritated when you hear about the increasing company earnings? Are you upset when you see salary statistics? Do you often feel underpaid? Let me tell you something. If you’re on the top of...

Trip report: C++ On Sea 2022

It was the first time for me to go abroad for a conference and the first time to travel to a C++ conference as a speaker. I was so excited! I’m grateful to the organizers, my employer and of course...

Hands-On Design Patterns with C++ by Fedor Pikus

In Hands-On Design Patterns with C++, the author Fedor Pikus shares the most common design patterns used in modern C++. In fact, not only design patterns but also some best practices and idioms. He...

6 C++23 features improving string and string_view

In this blog post, let’s collect a couple of changes that are going to be shipped with C++23 and are all related to strings or string_views. std::string and std::string_view have contains One of ...

What are string_views and why should we use them?

std::string_view has been introduced by C++17 and its purpose is to provide read-only access to character sequences. It potentially replaces const string& parameters and offers a significant pe...

Won't extend it more than once!

A few months ago I changed teams and I started to work on a library that helps its users to perform cryptographic operations. Those operations need a so-called Hardware Security Module (HSM) that i...

C++: standardized

In this article, let’s step back from coding a little bit. We are going to discuss how C++ was born and how it’s been evolving ever since. We’ll only have a brief overview of what happened in the l...

Bitwise enumerations

In C++ the size of a bool is 1 byte. That’s the case despite that it can only have two values, true or false which can be represented on one single bit. This might not be a concern all the time, bu...

C++23: Narrowing contextual conversions to bool

In the previous article discussing new language features of C++23, we discussed if consteval. Today, we’ll slightly discuss if constexpr and also static_assert. Andrzej Krzemieński proposed a paper...

The Evolution of Cooperation by Robert Axelrod

How to maximize the benefits of cooperation? Is it better to cooperate with others or to defect? How to decide? How to react when you’re a good person but you’re taken advantage of? Can we avoid es...