Sandor Dargo's Blog

Chris Guillebeau: Born for this - How to find the work you were meant to do

What is definitely true that this is not the world anymore where most of the people will just simply take the baton from their parents and continue with that whatever business or profession right u...

Sane office environment with code review guidelines

For a more detail vision about the importance of guidelines, please check out this article, that I’ll revisit soon by the way. This time I’m going to focus on code reviews and on the corresponding...

How to choose your first programming language

The person who came up with the question said that he used to think Ruby had been a good choice, but it doesn’t seem to have good perspectives anymore. Which language to choose, is this an easy or...

Carl Gustav Jung: Man and His Symbols

Don’t be ignorant, but be interested in multiple fields and read a lot from a wide variety of topics. In the book category, I have mostly posted about IT related books, but in fact, I read at leas...

8 books every junior developer should read

When I started to earn a stable revenue I started to buy books every month. Soon I was in the highest tier of the fidelity program of the biggest Hungarian bookselling chain, so I bought even more....

Coders at work: Donald Knuth

One might think that Knuth is just a theorist, but it would be a bad perception. He wrote TeX and METAFONT, his works helped a lot of other developers to publish their work in a better format. Acc...

Design Stamina Hypothesis

I’ve learnt about Design Stamina Hypothesis at one of the latest events of the French Riviera Craftsmanship Community Meetup. This hypothesis is all about architecture or the lack of it including t...

Setting yourself up to succeed

First, let’s make it clear what success means in the actual context. Let’s say that success is about how much you are inline with your internal goals. An internal goal is something that you set for...

66-day learning challenge

Keep learning and your efforts will pay off in large dividends. Why is it so great and important to learn? Take Hamming’s thought: “I always spend a day a week learning new stuff. That means I spe...

Briefly about Mutation Testing

First, why do I even compare them? A few months ago at the Riviera Craftsmanship Meetup group we discussed about different testing strategies and first Chaos Engineering and then Mutation testin ca...