Luckily on a basic level both CREATE and MATCH are quite self-explanatory. So with MATCH you’ll be able to look for certain elements in your database. In short, you can match patterns. Often you wi...
Coders at work: Brendan Eich
At a certain point, this guy really reminded me to a former colleague of mine. Eich said that “a blue-collar language like Java shouldn’t have a crazy generic system because blue-collar people can’...
Reflections on the dojo I facilitated at Soiree du Test Logiciel
I admit the dojo did not go well. Among the prerequisites communicated to the participants, there were only two things: Java 8 and maven. Still, almost none of the participants showed up with such ...
Coders at work: Douglas Crockford
At the moment of the creation of the book he was working for Yahoo!, now he is with Paypal. The one thing that has not changed is that he is still a senior JavaScript architect. He is also the guy ...
Cypher tutorial: the CREATE keyword
The aim of this keyword is to add nodes or relationships to your graph database. As you are going to see you can add one simple node without any useful data, but you can also add multiple well-char...
Coders at work: Brad Fitzpatrick
I had the feeling from the very beginning that this guy is a real badass. Someone who will hack the companies to get what they really offer. Not that they wanted to offer, but that they really do t...
Introduction to cypher
Put it differently, there are many ways to start exploring a database. You can learn about the paradigms behind that I think is the most important. It is essential to understand it on a high level ...
CodinGame at Amadeus
For the third year hundreds of Amadeus employees spent a day and a half together working on writing small AIs in teams of three people. These AIs are powering bots competing against each other in f...
Programming on rails: Railway Oriented Programming!
As explaining is one of the best ways to understand, let me give a try here. Many times when you start writing a program, first you will consider that things would go well (do TDD instead!), so yo...
Coders at work: Jamie Zawinski
The first guy interviewed by Seibel is Jamie Zawinski. In case you don’t know him, he’s one of the important early developers of Netscape. Anyway you can look up more information about him wherever...