Sandor Dargo's Blog

The big STL Algorithms tutorial: wrapping up

With the last article on algorithms about dynamic memory management, we reached the end of a 3-year-long journey that we started at the beginning of 2019. Since then, in about 30 different posts, ...

System Design Interview: An insider's guide by Alex Xu

Being a software engineer is special compared to many other professions in several ways. One aspect of this speciality is that you don’t just go to a job interview after polishing a bit your CV, th...

C++23: Deducing this

A few weeks ago, I participated in the first AFNOR meeting of my life. AFNOR is the French standardization organization, part of the ISO group and I’ve recently joined the group responsible for the...

5 types of communication a senior developer does

When I started at my first programming job, I could spend most of my time in front of my laptop coding. Meetings rarely appeared on my agenda. In fact, I had so few meetings that I was happy when ...

The Gift: 12 Lessons to Save Your Life by Dr. Edith Eva Eger

A few weeks ago, I posted a review on The Choice, the first book for Dr. Edith Eger. It’s a book that is mostly an autobiography of a Holocaust survivor, but it’s much more than a recital of what h...

The big STL Algorithms tutorial: the memory header

We are slowly reaching the end of the big STL algorithm tutorial, and in this last but one part we are going to cover a record high 14 operations that are part of the <memory> header. I decid...

3 piece of advice for junior developers

A few months ago, my manager asked me if I’d like to facilitate some technical interviews. My answer was hell yeah! I think it’s great that management involves senior developers in the selection p...

The Choice: Embrace the Possible by Dr. Edith Eva Eger

I learnt about The Choice from Ryan Holiday’s newsletter, like about so many other books. As I’ve been always interested in history and in psychology, I decided that this book can completely jump m...

The big STL Algorithms tutorial: *numeric* scans

In this next part of the big STL algorithm tutorial, we are going to talk about the 4 algorithms in the <numeric> header that we haven’t discussed yet: exclusive_scan inclusive_scan ...

Top 3 reasons to let people change teams within your organization

A few weeks ago, I posted my thoughts on what are good reasons to change teams. In this article, I’m going to talk about why you as a manager should encourage your employees to move around. And l...