Sandor Dargo's Blog

My late discovery of std::filesystem - Part II

Last week, we started to discuss the main parts of std::filesystem and we discovered how to work with paths, how to navigate up through the directory structure and how to move files and directories...

My late discovery of std::filesystem - Part I

I know that this is not a new topic at all. But this blog in its roots is to document what I learn, and I haven’t used the filesystem library up until a few weeks ago. After the initial encounter, ...

How to write unit tests in C++ relying on non-code files?

Recently we had a coding dojo with my colleagues where we were working on the second part of the Racing Car Katas, called TextConverter. To sum up the problem, the HtmlTextConverter class takes a f...

The Software Engineer's Guidebook by Orosz Gergely

This is not the first book of Gergely Orosz, author of The Pragmatic Engineer newsletter, but this is the most general one so far. Before this one, he wrote books that targeted much narrower topics...

I got hacked recently

I want to share with you a recent story. I’ll not reveal the name of the company, because of two reasons. 1) I’m not sure if that would be legal from my part. 2) They were kind, helped, gave back w...

C++23: More small changes

In this post, we continue discovering the changes introduced by C++23. We are going to look into three (and a half) small changes, each affecting constructors of some standard library types. We’re ...

C++23 likes to move it!

C++23 is going to bring us a few changes regarding move operations. It mostly means extended support in the standard library, but there is also one change directly in the language. Let’s start with...

My time management system in 2024

Keeping track of your time (at work) is essential. If you work remotely, it might become even more important. I’ll give you the reasons why I think so and then I will share the tools I use as well ...

C++23: bitwise operations

While C++ is getting increasingly expressive with each new standard, we must not forget its origins. It is inherently a low-level language which operates close to the hardware level and allows oper...

C++23: Allocator related changes

In this post, we are going to review two changes related to allocators in C++. One is about providing size information about the allocated memory and the other is about how CTAD should happen for c...