Sandor Dargo's Blog

C++ 20: Get the details by Rainer Grimm

I could say that I picked C++ 20: Get the details up because I wanted to learn about the latest version of C++. I wouldn’t lie if I said so, but truth be told I was already an avid reader of Modern...

My code is not shipped! Should I care?

One of the developers I’m mentoring asked me a question about a situation most probably all of us faced. “I was working on a project, I implemented some features, then it never went to producti...

C++ concepts in real life

During the last month or so, we examined the ins and outs of C++ concepts. We checked their main motivations, we saw how we can use them with functions, with classes and what kind of concepts are s...

Skin in the Game: Hidden Asymmetries in Daily Life by Nassim Taleb

I read once again a very interesting book by Nassim Taleb. I realized that I don’t just like his books, but I sympathize with the author, with his style, with his sarcasm. More than that, I like th...

How to write your own C++ concepts? Part II.

Last week we started to discuss how to write our own concepts. Our first step was to combine different already existing concepts, then we continued with declaring constraints on the existence of ce...

You have to ask for it!

This is an excerpt from by book called The Seniority Trap. I’m sharing some parts from each chapter. Check out the #thesenioritytrap for more parts. — I’ll tell you what. Those people who reject ...

How to write your own C++ concepts? Part I.

During the previous weeks, we discussed the motivations behind C++ concepts and how to use them with functions and with classes. But we have hardly written any. We defined a functionally incomplete...

Concepts shipped with the C++ standard library

Welcome back to the series about C++ concepts. In the previous episodes, we discussed what are the motivations behind concepts, and then how to use them. Today we are going to have an overview of w...

Clean Agile: Back to Basics by Robert C. Martin

Clean Agile comes from Uncle Bob, one of the founding fathers of Agile, one of the seventeen people who authored the Agile Manifesto back in 2001. I thought he might have some interesting thoughts...

C++ concepts with classes

Last time we discussed how to use concepts with functions and this time we are going to see how to use concepts with classes. I know it’s not what I promised at the end of the previous article, but...