Sandor Dargo's Blog

Sapiens: A Brief History Of Humankind by Yuval Noah Harari

“A nation that forgets its history has no future” as Churchill said. Or going more broad, as John Kennedy wrote, “without history, we have no future.” Sapiens is not just about the recent times, b...

Occupying a seat vs. show me your skill!

I’m still not looking for a new job, and - given the circumstances - luckily I don’t even have to. Still, after having met some people and having received a couple of interesting propositions I rea...

The big STL Algorithms tutorial: modifying sequence operations - remove calls

In this next part of the big STL algorithm tutorial, we will discover the 4 modifying sequence algorithms that will help you removing elements from containers: remove remove_if remove_copy...

Functional Programming in C++ by Ivan Cukic

C++ is an Object-Oriented language, right? Well, it’d be better to say among others. It can be used as such, but in reality, it’s a multiparadigm language, suitable to use as a procedural, object-...

Think about one with virtuous life

Marcus Aurelius jotted down the following thought: “This advice from Epicurean writings: To think continually of one of the men of old who lived a virtuous life.” This piece of advice might sound...

Loops are bad, algorithms are good! Aren't they?

This is a statement frequently repeated by people who either just more familiar with the <algorithms> header in C++ and/or are advocates of functional programming in C++. And of course, let’s...

The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg

Books on habits can be extremely popular as we all, of course, want to create ones that can help us in our life. They help is both in our careers and in our everyday lives. Though maybe it’s easier...

The 4 Different Levels of Autonomy

It’s an awfully mainstream question nowadays that who should a company keep or whom it should let go. The question stands firm from the other side as well. What is a fair selection? Why me? Or if y...

The big STL Algorithms tutorial: replace N elements

Recently in my series on C++ algorithms, I presented the different replace functions and said that they will replace all the matching elements. If you want to replace only one element or n elements...

Real-World Bug Hunting by Peter Yarowski

I hold the role of a White Hat in an organization where being a white-hat doesn’t imply that you an expert in security matters. It’s more about coordinating software security-related matters. It’s...